Here you can find the older updates to the FF6j translation project, End of Fantasy.
UPDATE: 12/20/2000
This update is simply to quell the fears that may exist that I have given up on my projects. No physical progress (ie. text insertion or ASM work) has been done lately, only script translation and the like. The progress meters have been updated accordingly.
UPDATE: 7/19/2000
The biggest thing that's up is that I've got the next beta patch up. Yep, End of Fantasy Beta 8 is now available for download! Go ahead and check it out. Only a little bit remains to be fixed (battle text and the like), and the script inserted.
UPDATE: 7/18/2000
Well, I've decided to let my more competent (and faster) friend translate the main script, seeing as mine was taking forever. :) Oh, and I've uploaded a new screenshot of some of the latest ASM work in progress: the menu font for descriptions is now variable width. Many thanks to Skeud once more!
On an unrelated note, I intend to send out a Beta 8 (yes, Beta 8!) of the patch in a little while. After all, we've done a lot of work on End of Fantasy since Beta 7. :)
UPDATE: 7/09/2000
Only a bit more is translated in the script, but I've fixed up the menu in my own copy of the ROM. It looks GOOD... A screenshot of it is below. That's all for this update!
UPDATE: 6/26/2000
Back from vacation, and I've just uploaded a screenshot of the new dialogue font. It's basically the same as the menu font.
UPDATE: 6/05/2000
Well, a new beta is out! It's still not complete, of course (script and battle dialogue remain untouched), but a lot of other things are improved and/or new.
UPDATE: 5/31/2000
I've uploaded a new screenshot to display the new small-font text (menu stuff). Now it resembles the large font. :)