Normal Walkthrough
The 3-Year Basic Plan

Version Beta 1

This walkthrough is designed with the first-time player in mind. It acts as a semi-manual along with being a walkthrough. The path laid out here is very easy to follow, and should present no difficulties for anybody. It was derived almost completely from the normal walkthrough in the text-only guide I wrote.

Getting Started

From the title screen, select New Game.

Input names and dates that appeal to you. Images above are merely examples.

Confirm your decisions with This is OK.

As the Mayor explains during the intro, you have 3 years to get the farm back in shape. Now, on to the walkthrough proper.

Spring, Year 1


Season's Goals:
* Get the Brush
* Get your horse
* Get the Fishing Rod
* Get a chicken
* Get the medium rucksack
* Get 3 Power Berries and the Mystic Berry
* Upgrade axe to Copper
* Upgrade hammer to Silver
* Upgrade watering can to Gold

Daily Chores:
* Take care of the animals (pick up your dog and whistle to him, brush the horse whistle to him)
* Tend to the chickens (give adult chickens feed in their feed boxes, and sell the eggs if there's an egg in the incubator; if not, then put an egg in)
* Harvest and sell ripened crops (pretty self-explanatory)
* Forage for items in the mountains, and sell the Bamboo Shoots and Blue Grass
* Plant and/or water the crops
* Clear up the farm (move stones into the corner or break them, toss weeds about or use the sickle on them, chop branches with the axe; you can't do anything about the tree stumps or rocks just yet, though)

(NOTE: Daily chores are things you should do every day. It's suggested that you do them in the order listed, too. If a daily chore isn't possible for you to do for any reason, then you don't have to do it!)

Predicted Season's Expenses: About 11,000G
Predicted Season's Profits: About 23,000G

Spring 1

You can't play this day the first year. See the introduction outlined above for details.

Spring 2

This is the first real day. Familiarize yourself with the house, because you'll have to do quite a bit here. Don't worry, the clock is frozen while you're indoors, so you can take as long as you want getting used to your base of operations.

The TV has four stations (the weather channel, news, Life on the Farm, and entertainment TV that changes on a daily basis). Life on the Farm is the game's tutorial, but it's a bit misleading at times. The news lets you know about any upcoming festivals and when they are. The entertainment program doesn't really do anything, but the shows can be funny sometimes. And finally, the weather channel is the most important TV station of all. Unlike real life, this weather channel is never wrong, and it can help you shape your farm to know what the weather will be like tomorrow.

Next up on the list of things to check out is the bookshelf. This lets you set the game's controls up, and get some basic help. The game is set up rather nicely as it is, so I don't suggest you change the controls any, unless you really don't like the control setup.

Next item of interest: the calendar. The calendar shows you when any upcoming events are (festivals, and maybe even your wedding some day!), as well as telling you what the current day is.

In lower right of your house is the tool chest, where you will find all of the tools of the trade you have available to you. For the time being, let's grab the hoe, watering can, and axe.

The last item of interest (which we won't need until this evening) is the diary, which is by your bed. You can make a diary entry (which is how you save your game), read a diary entry (load a saved game), or trade animals here. Of course, by making a diary entry, the current day ends, so be sure you don't use it until you're ready!

Alright! Now that we have the house covered, let's head outside. The mayor will be waiting for you, and offer to give you a tour of the town. I suggest that you take it, as it will introduce you to the people of the village, as well as the shops and services. It only takes two game hours of time, too!

Anyway, once you're back on your farm, pick up your puppy and put him back down. Once his tail stops wagging, walk a bit away and use the dog whistle (if he doesn't respond, then you used the horse whistle; try the other one). Once he barks and starts running towards you, then you know you've got it right.

Once that's done, it's time to start clearing the farm up. Starting from near your house, chop up branches, move rocks aside, and throw out weeds until you've freed up enough space to make some plots of land with your hoe. Dig them like this:

Within these dynamic plots, we're going to plant some seeds. But first, we need (you guessed it) the seeds themselves!

Run on into town, and visit the supermarket. Since you have 500G available, let's get 2 bags of Cucumber seeds. They're easy to manage, and they grow back every five days after the first harvest. Good deal! Head back to the farm, go inside, and replace your hoe with your newly-bought seeds.

Go outside and stand in the middle of one of your plots. Now, place the seeds in your hands, and use them. If done right, you should have all 8 plowed squares with seeds on them. Go and do this to the other plot, as well.

Before we water the crops, let's go forage the Bamboo Shoots and Blue Grass from the Hot Springs and Gotz' House. Just grab them and put them in the rucksack with L2 as you pick them up. Since your rucksack is so small, you can only hold two items at once, so you'll have to make two trips. Put the items in the shipping bin inside the chicken coop (since time doesn't flow indoors, this will save you a bit of time).

Once you've foraged, fill the watering can up with water, and water the seeds.

By now, it's probably already getting late, possibly even close to 5:00PM. If you still have some time left, then start clearing the farm up some more. At 5:05PM, Zack will show up and take the Bamboo Shoots and Blue Grass from the shipping bin, and you'll get some extra money. Neat! Keep clearing up your farm until your character gets tired, or until you get tired of it, and then go to bed.

Spring 3

This is a normal day. What that means is that you just have to do your daily chores, and once they're done, you can go to bed. Most days are like this, so if you don't see a day listed in the walkthrough, that means it's a normal day. A note for specific days: you should always take care of the animals and tend to the poultry and livestock first thing.

One thing you can do today (if it's not raining) is to go visit Mother Hill after noon, and attempt to cut the tree up there down. Agree to not cut it down after all, and the tree will give you a Power Berry! Whee!

You can also dig one of those berries up from the mine. Just keep going further underground, and you'll eventually find it. An added bonus of getting this berry is that you'll get a few 10G bonuses, as well.

One final note: on days that are normal days, after you've done all of your daily chores, use up your remaining stamina inside your house by swinging your hammer around. Try and get it up to 200% by the 19th. If you want to get it stronger by smashing rocks outside, just be sure you leave at least one small stone uncrushed.

Spring 4

You have some loose change from those Bamboo Shoots and Blue Grass you've been selling (you should have about 800G now), so let's go get the horse and the Brush! Go visit Yodel Ranch (it's two doors down from your farm; just go to the upper-left of your house to the first area of the village, then head down-right to the poultry farm and down-right to the ranch), and agree to take care of the pony that May and Barley are fussing over. Name it whatever you like, then go to Saibara's and buy the Brush tool.

The pony is easy to take care of. Just brush him every day and whistle to him. I suggest that you keep him in his stable all the time, as it's a pain to have to find him and bring him inside whenever it's raining. Other than this diversion, this is a normal day.

Spring 6

Again, you should have some loose change from the Bamboo Shoots and the Blue Grass (700G this time), so buy some Turnip Seeds from the supermarket (5 bags, to be exact) and plant them (with the same method you used for your Cucumber plots, 8 squares of tilled land).

Before you even go to the market, though, empty one slot of your rucksack, visit the docks between 7:00AM and 10:00AM, and talk to Greg. He'll give you the Fishing Rod. Woot, free items!

Anyway, plant and water your new Turnip seeds (you HAVE been watering daily, right?), finish the day's chores, then go to bed.

Spring 7

If you've been giving items to a girl, and they have a blue-heart relationship or better with you, you might be able to ask a girl to the Goddess Festival tomorrow. Don't worry if you can't, though; it's not a big deal. Other than this tidbit, today is a normal day.

Spring 8

Today is the Goddess Festival! Once you've got your day's chores done, go and attend it. This is a good way to make friends with the villagers. Talk to everybody, then talk to Mayor Thomas and agree to starting the festival. After it's over, finish any of the day's chores you may have left to do, then go to bed. Note that you won't get any money for the stuff you foraged today until Zack shows up tomorrow. This is true of most festivals.

Spring 11

The cucumbers are ripe! Grab all of the cucumbers from both of the clusters, and sell them all. This will get you quite a bit of money tomorrow, and compounding with what you already have, you should be able to afford your first chicken come tomorrow (or possibly even today, if you have 1,550G already)!

Be sure to buy at least 5 chicken feed along with your new clucker, and make sure you provide it with 1 unit of chicken feed per day. To do this, just grab some chicken feed and put it in a feed box. When your chicken starts laying eggs, put the first one in the incubator (you can sell the ones that come after that, of course). Eventually, that egg will hatch into a baby chick. Keep up the incubating of eggs, and you'll never have to buy another chicken again!

The turnips you planted on the 6th are ready today, as well, getting you even more money.

You should have enough by now for the Medium Rucksack, so go and buy it! Also, by tomorrow, buy 5 more bags of Turnip Seeds, and plant them in the place of the turnips you just harvested today. Also, stock up on chicken feed tomorrow, and be sure to buy more whenever your store of it is getting low.

Spring 14

This is the Spring Thanksgiving (actually, it's more like Valentine's Day than Thanksgiving). Since you don't have a kitchen yet, you can't possibly give any girls cookies. Other than it being a holiday (and one of the rare ones that the shipper still shows up on), this is a normal day.

Spring 16

Today, another harvest of Cucumbers is ready! This will get you another 960G, which should be invested in upgrading the axe to Copper status.

Since you should have been clearing up the farm every evening after all other chores are done, the axe should be at least 100% by now. Go to the mine and dig up a piece of Copper Ore, stick it in your rucksack, and head to the blacksmithy once it's open. With the axe in your hand, walk up to Saibara, pull out the Copper Ore, and ask him to upgrade your axe. It costs 1,000G, and your axe will be ready in 3 days (on Spring 19). Otherwise, this is a pretty normal day.

Spring 17

The second batch of Turnips are ripe! Back on the 15th, the Mayor may have requested that you bring him 3 Turnips. If you agreed to help him, then grab 3 of them and give them to him some time today. Ship the rest, of course, and plant 5 more bags' worth of seeds in their place (two days from now, of course; the supermarket is closed today, and tomorrow's the horse race).

Spring 18

The horse race is today! You can't participate in it this year, but once you have your daily chores done (you do your watering after the races if you want), then feel free to go to it and make friends. Don't spend any of your money on the horse race tickets; the prizes are not only useless to you at this point (other than the uber-expensive Power Berry), but they're also far too expensive.

Spring 19

You should get your axe back today, meaning that you can start clearing away the tree stumps on your farm. Be sure to do that! Also, you might want to start chopping up the tree stumps up on Mother Hill, too. Finally, you'll want to have Saibara start upgrading your hammer to Silver today, too.

Spring 21

Another batch of Cucumbers should have sprouted today.

Grab 5 of them, and once noon time passes (as long as it's not raining, that is), toss all 5 into the small pond that the waterfall pours into. Once you've tossed in the last one, the Goddess will show up and give you a Power Berry! Whee!

After you do this, take the remaining 3 Cucumbers from the same plant, and go up to Mother Hill. From the stump near the upper left edge of the lake, walk straight towards the lake 'til you hit the shore. Facing away from the stump toss your 3 Cucumbers in. If done right, Kappa should show up each time, and give you his berry the last time. The rest of the Cucumbers should be shipped, of course.

Spring 22

Today is the Cooking Festival. But since you can't participate, it's kind of a pointless event this year. Normal day otherwise.

Spring 23

You should be able to get your hammer back from Saibara by now. Get it, and start clearing up the field of large rocks.

Spring 24

The latest batch of Turnips is in! Ship them all out, and buy and plant 5 more bags of them tomorrow (since once again, the supermarket is closed today). Otherwise, this is a normal day.

Spring 26

The last batch of Cucumbers is in for the season. Ship them out, then cut the Cucumber plants down with the sickle.

Spring 29

Water your crops early today, and then go to the mine and dig up a Gold ore. Then, go to Saibara's blacksmith shop, and have him upgrade your watering can. It's a bit pricey at 3,000G, but well worth it!

Spring 30

The last harvest of Turnips (and the last harvest of the season) is today. Ship them off, and finish the day's chores.

Around 1:00PM, go and visit the Inn, and buy 3 bags of Pineapple Seeds from Won, as well as 1 bag of Pink Cat Seeds. Once you have those, don't plant them; just leave them in your toolbox for now. Finish anything you need to do, and then get ready for Summer!

Summer, Year 1


Season's Goals:
* Get 1 Power Berry (it's okay if you miss it, though)
* Upgrade the chicken coop
* Start the honey tree
* Upgrade the house
* Upgrade the axe to Mystrile
* Get the Large Rucksack
* Get the Basket
* Get a cow

Daily Chores:
* Take care of the animals
* Tend to the chickens
* Harvest and sell ripened crops
* Forage (just sell the 2 Red Grass, and chop down all of the tree stumps)
* Water the crops
* Clear up the farm (there shouldn't be much left to do by now)

Predicted Season's Expenses: About 35,000G
Predicted Season's Profits: About 40,000G

NOTE: Sometimes, hurricanes occur during summer! These nasty storms will rip up crops, and prevent you from taking care of any animals! If you don't want this to happen (who WOULD want it to happen?), then use the double save trick (found here) to evade these nasty weather occurrences. You can also use my own crafted GameShark codes to evade the storms. Just be sure that you evade a storm on the day BEFORE the storm hits, not on the day OF the storm.

Summer 1

Today is Opening Day. Get the daily chores done (not much at this point), then head for Mineral Beach. The swimming contest is one of those deceptive minigames, in that it sounds easy but is really very difficult. Unless you can mash buttons as fast as a turbo controller, chances are you won't stand much of a chance. If you have a turbo controller, then feel free to use it. Just set turbo for X, and hold down X until your character spouts an angry red bubble. Then let go of X and hold down the triangle button until the face turns happy again. Hold down X until you hit the finish line (you might have to do another breather session near the end). The prize is this season's coveted Power Berry, so if you possibly can, win the festival!

Summer 2

Now you can actually start doing the whole planting gig for the season. Expand your existing plots out to 9 squares now; you'll be able to water full 9-square plots now, so there's no need to limit your production capabilities any longer!

Plant your Pineapple and Pink Cat Seeds (put the Pink Cat Seeds some distance away from the Pineapple Seeds), and then head into town and buy 3 bags of Tomato and Corn Seeds from the supermarket.

Once 10:00AM rolls around, pay Saibara a visit, and pick up your new and improved watering can! Fill it up (Saibara emptied it), and water your new crops and flowers.

You should also start the chicken coop expansion today. Finish all other chores for the day, then head for bed.

Summer 5

The chicken coop should be fully expanded today! Be sure to take full advantage of both incubators. Other than this, today is a normal day.

Summer 7

Today is the Sumo Chicken Festival. If you bought your chicken by Spring 12, and took care of it daily, then it should have 9 to 10 hearts by now. Have it participate in the festival, and keep redoing the day until your chicken wins. Why? Because winning the festival means that the winning hen produces Golden Eggs! This won't change anything just yet, but once you get the Mayo Maker, you'll be glad you won!

Summer 8

This should mark the sprouting of your Pink Cat Flowers, which gets the beehive going! Be sure to take your first harvest of honey to Louis (he lives at Gotz' cabin) and give it to him; this will make your honey worth 60G each (instead of 50G each).

Summer 11

The first tomato harvest is today. Ship all of them. Other than the harvest, this is a normal day. Do chores, go to sleep.

Summer 12

Today is the Tomato Festival. And the first batch of tomatoes came in yesterday. Coincidence? I think not. Anyway, you can participate if you want. Winning is mostly a matter of picking a solid team, since this minigame relies more on luck and skill than ability to mash a button really fast. If your team wins, then everybody at the festival will like you better. If you lose, there's no penalties. I usually just skip this festival, since it's probably the hardest one outside of Opening Day to win, and the reward is far less.

Summer 15

Another tomato harvest is today! Harvest them and sell them, of course. Otherwise, this is a normal day.

Summer 16

Harvest numero uno of corn should be ready today. Send them all out, and omplete the day's chores.

Summer 17

You should spend your gains on the Large Rucksack today.

Summer 19

Another harvest of tomatoes. Save the profits up this time. Normal day beyond this task.

Summer 20

Corn harvest number two is today, and today is the Cow Festival.

You can attend the Cow Festival if you wish, but there are no benefits in doing so just yet, since you don't have any cows.

Summer 22

Today will be your favorite day of the season, I guarantee it. The pineapples are finally ready! There's also another batch of tomatoes ready for shipment. Ship everything else (place priority on gathering the pineapples), and come tomorrow, buy the Basket from the supermarket, and have Saibara upgrade your axe to Mystrile. Have Gotz expand your house today, as well.

Summer 24

Today is a corn harvest, and the Fireworks Display.

Also, your house should be expanded now.

The expanded house has several new features: a cupboard (which can hold any non-food item), a refrigerator (which can hold any food item), and a kitchen (which you can use to cook in). Since you don't yet have any kitchen utensils, your cooking options are limited as of now. However, your new fridge could come in handy. Start putting Red Grass in it instead of shipping the grass.

Once you've gotten everything done on the farm, go to Mineral Beach to watch the fireworks. You can ask any of the girls to watch it with you, but I don't think they'll agree unless they like you at least a bit.

Summer 26

Now that you have the first house extension, there's a new TV station, called TV Shopping. You can order kitchen utensils off of it! Today's offering is the Knife for 3000G. That's actually a good deal, so be sure to stop by the Inn today and order it via the phone there. Otherwise, this is (of course) a normal day.

Summer 27

There's a harvest of tomatoes today. Use the basket to gather the crops in; you'll be surprised at how much time this saves. Sell the tomatoes, of course, but save the profits up. Since there won't be another harvest of tomatoes, once you've harvested all of the outer ones, cut one of the plants away with the sickle so you can reach the inner tomato in each plot, and ship those out (or save them in your refrigerator). You obviously don't need to water the tomatoes any longer.

Summer 28

Another harvest of pineapples today! And corn, but that's second priority now. Gather and sell all of the fruits and vegetables.

Use the cut-to-the-center trick on the crops to get those last fruits and vegetables, and either ship them or save them in the fridge. Now you have no crops left to tend to for the rest of the season! Yay?

Summer 29

Now for a bit of a risqué investment: you're going to be getting your first cow today! Yep, you're already buying livestock. Makes ya proud, doesn't it? Be sure to buy some fodder to feed the cow with, as well. You just have to be sure to talk to your cow and feed it daily, and of course, you should buy more fodder if you start running low.

Summer 30

The last day of the season is today, obviously. It is a normal day, but it's worth noting that you'll want at least 3,500G for next season. Oh, and cut down the remaining crops on the field, since they're not going to do anything but take up space next season.

Fall, Year 1


Season's Goals:
* Get the Milker
* Upgrade the barn
* Get 9 more cows
* Plant 12 bags of grass

Daily Chores:
* Take care of the animals
* Tend to the cows
* Tend to the chickens
* Harvest and sell ripened crops
* Forage (there's tons of stuff to forage during Fall; stick everything in your fridge if you want, or ship it for even more profit; don't forget to chop down all of the stumps, too!)
* Water the crops
* Cut the grass (with the sickle, of course)

Predicted Season's Expenses: About 70,000G
Predicted Season's Profits: About 80,000G

Fall 1

Clear up your field and get your 9 plots of land ready for this season's vegetables. Since they're so valuable, we're going to dedicate this entire season's field space to Sweet Potato seeds. Buy 9 bags of Sweet Potatoes, and plant and water them all. Finish the day's chores, then go to bed.

Oh yes, and Won might come by today (or some time soon) to sell you a dog ball for 100G. Buy it! By throwing the ball for your dog, as long as he comes back to you with it and barks at you, you can increase his intelligence a bit every day. You only have to throw the ball for him and have him bring it back once per day; any other times you do won't have any effect.

Fall 3

Today is the Music Festival. After everything is done on the farm, go to the church and head inside. You need to arrive between 6:00PM and 6:50PM, so don't slack off. Once inside, talk to Carter to begin the festivities. If you agreed yesterday to help him out, then you'll also be performing, and everybody present will like you a bit better.

Fall 6

The first of nine harvests is today. Ship the Sweet Potatoes out, and use the profits tomorrow to buy the Milker.

Fall 9

The second of nine harvests is today, and it's also the Harvest Festival.

Ship your items out, and bring an egg to the festival. Put the egg in the hot pot, and everybody present will like you a bit better. This game just hands out the free affection, doesn't it?

Fall 10

Be sure to order the Pot from TV Shopping today. Normal day otherwise.

Fall 12

The third of nine harvests is today. Go see Gotz today, and have him begin upgrading your barn.

Also, stop by the supermarket and buy 12 bags of grass. Plant them all on the far side of the field (you don't have to water them, thankfully).

Fall 13

Today is Moon-Viewing Day, and one of the rare holidays that all of the shops are still open on. Go and buy a new cow (or two) from Barley with yesterday's harvest profits. If you go up to Mother Hill between 6:00PM and 8:00PM, you'll find the girl who likes you best up there. View the moon with her.

Fall 14

Duke will come by today to ask you to help with the grape harvests. Agree to it, even if you don't plan to.

If you want Cliff to stay in the village for the rest of the game, go and find him today and tell him about the job.

Fall 15

The fourth of nine harvests is today. Use the profits tomorrow for another cow.

The barn should be fully upgraded now, as well.

At 4:30PM, even if there's crops left on the plants, head into town and go to the winery. You need to get there between 4:45PM and 4:59PM. Participate in the grape-gathering, and grab all 16 grapes (one of which is impossible to get if you don't get it first thing; search the vine in the upper right first for grapes). Do this every day for the next six days (including today, of course).

Fall 17

Get the Mixer off of TV Shopping.

Fall 18

The fifth of nine harvests is today. Use the profits Tuesday for two more cows.

Fall 21

The Sheep Festival is today, but since you don't have any sheep yet, there is no point whatsoever in attending.

This is also the sixth of nine harvests. Tomorrow, invest in another cow.

Fall 24

The seventh of nine harvests is today. Invest yet again in cows.

As well, buy the Whisk from TV Shopping.

Fall 27

The eighth of nine harvests is today. Invest yet again in cows. Starting to see a trend here? By now you should have (or be close to having) 10 cows.

Fall 30

The ninth and final harvest is today. Ship all of the sweet potatoes out, saving a few if you wish for the icebox. You won't be able to use the profits until next season, but that's okay.

Winter, Year 1


Season's Goals:
* Upgrade the sickle to Mystrile
* Get 4 Power Berries
* Get the Clippers
* Get 5 sheep

Daily Chores:
* Take care of the animals
* Take care of the cows and sheep
* Take care of the chickens
* Forage (chop down the lumber, and mine in the winter mines; you can use the basket to collect large amounts of minerals from the Winter Mines, which will up your season's profits considerably)
* Fish (this isn't critical, obviously)

Predicted Season's Expenses: About 30,000G
Predicted Season's Profits: About 40,000G, possibly more if you mine

NOTE: Sometimes, blizzards occur during winter! These nasty storms will prevent you from taking care of any animals! If you don't want this to happen (who WOULD want it to happen?), then use the double save trick (found here) to evade these nasty weather occurrences. You can also use my own crafted GameShark codes to evade the storms. Just be sure that you evade a storm on the day BEFORE the storm hits, not on the day OF the storm.

Winter 1

The start of the season of rest... Except, of course, that you'll probably not be getting much rest at all. Start the day the usual way, and be sure to grab the Power Berry behind the winter mine.

Take your basket and dig in the winter mine until you've filled the basket with 30 pieces of Orichalcum and/or Adamantite (just toss the Mystrile). Doing this should get you the winter mine Power Berry eventually, as well. Be sure to grab a few pieces of each type of ore to store in the cabinet, as well. That way, you won't have to wait until next Winter to collect it.

Oh yes, and be sure to order the Rolling Pin from TV Shopping today.

As the season progresses, fish in the ocean for the elusive Power Berry found in it.

Winter 8

Order the Oven off of TV Shopping.

Also, if you haven't already, get a sheep. Sheep are easy to take care of. Just talk to and feed them daily, and clip their wool whenever it's fully grown.

Winter 10

The Dog Race is today. You can have your dog participate if you want. Winning it doesn't really do much, so it's not mandatory.

By now, you should be able to afford another sheep. Be sure to keep getting sheep as money comes available for them, and don't forget to keep your fodder (and chicken feed) stock high! I'll assume that you're buying your sheep when money is available for them, and not mention it again. Just be sure that you have 5,000G available on the 15th and 22nd, and 2,500G available on the 29th.

Winter 14

Winter Thanksgiving is today. Any girl who has at least a purple heart relationship with you (at least 10,000 affection, in other words) will show up today and give you gifts, as long as you're not married (which isn't even possible yet, since the house is still in stage 2). Try and get every girl up to at least 10,000 affection before this day, as you can get Chocolate if you do (which is the rarest item in the game; you can't get it any other time).

Winter 15

Be sure you order the Seasoning Set off of TV Shopping.

Winter 22

Order the Power Berry off of TV Shopping. Good deal!

Winter 23

If you have good relations with one of the girls, talk to her today several times, and she'll probably invite you over to her place for dinner tomorrow.

Winter 24

This is the Star Night Festival. If you got invited to a girls' house today, be sure to show up there between 6:00PM and 7:50PM!

Winter 25

Your TV Shopping Power Berry should arrive today. Otherwise, normal day.

Winter 29

Order the Frying Pan off of TV Shopping.

Winter 30

This is the New Year's Party. Go up to Mother Hill after all of your day's work is done, to the peak. Everybody is there, awaiting the first sunrise of the new year. Join in and gain some respect from the village. The time to arrive is at midnight, surprisingly.

Spring, Year 2


Season's Goals:
* Unlock the Strawberry crop
* Get 6 more sheep
* Plant 9 more bags of grass
* Upgrade the house again
* Get the Mayo Maker
* Get 1 Power Berry

Daily Chores:
* Take care of the animals
* Tend to the cows and sheep
* Tend to the chickens
* Harvest and sell ripened crops
* Forage (You should now save all of the foraged foodstuffs in the fridge; don't forget to chop lumber, too!)
* Water the crops
* Cut the grass

Predicted Season's Expenses: About 75,000G
Predicted Season's Profits: About 80,000G

NOTE: During this season, until you have a full barn of 10 cows and 10 sheep, you should spend any available money on sheep. Once you have a full barn, buy the 9 bags of grass and plant them. Once that is done, get the house upgraded, and when that's taken care of, spring for the Mayo Maker. The reason for not listing the specific goals per day is because your profits will vary according to how much you mined during Winter.

NOTE 2: Your horse will also grow up at some point during this season. As long as he has at least 8 hearts, you'll get to keep him, and as an added bonus, you can start riding him. When you ride your horse, you increase his stamina (though you can only increase it once per day), and this increased stamina will let him do better in the local horse race on the 18th of Spring.

Spring 1

Today is a festival. After the day's work is complete, go to either the inn or the square, depending on what group of people you want to like you better.

Spring 2

The supermarket is closed today, so buy 6 bags of Cabbage Seeds from Won and plant them.

Spring 3

Get your supermarket seeds today. Since you've already shipped a lot of crops the previous year, you only need to buy 3 bags of Cucumber Seeds, 12 bags of Potato Seeds, and 1 bag of Turnips. Plant the Cucumbers, Turnips, and 4 bags of the Potato Seeds. When the Turnips are ripe, store them in your icebox.

Spring 7

Ask your favorite girl to the Goddess Festival. She'll probably say yes this year.

Spring 8

The Goddess Festival is today. Attend it to make friends with the villagers.

Spring 11

The first batch of Potatoes is ready now. Ship them out and replace the freed-up field space with more Potato Seeds. Do this again the next Potato harvest.

Spring 14

It's Spring Thanksgiving again, and this time, you can give cookies to the girls. Just bake some up in the kitchen, and give them to the girls at some point during the day (but before 5PM, please!).

Spring 18

The local Horse Race is today. If you've taken good care of your horse, and ridden it around since it grew up, you'll have a shot at winning. Keep trying until you do if you want the Power Berry for this season. If not, just leave it for year 3.

Spring 22

The Cooking Festival is today. If you want to win it, get some Relaxation Tea Leaves from the Harvest Sprites some time before the 22nd, and on the day of the festival, make the tea with as much as you possibly can.

Spring 30

The last day of the season. Be sure that you have everything done for the season (including having saved some of each crop in the fridge), and if you haven't yet, buy some Strawberry Seeds for next year. Also, buy 4 bags of Pineapple Seeds from Won (or more, if you want more money next season), and 12 bags of Pink Cat Seeds.

Summer, Year 2


Season's Goals:
* Get the Cheese Maker
* Get the Yarn Maker
* Unlock the Pumpkin crop
* Get the Hothouse
* Get 1 Power Berry

Daily Chores:
* Take care of the animals
* Tend to the cows and sheep
* Tend to the chickens
* Harvest and sell ripened crops
* Forage (You should now save all of the foraged foodstuffs in the fridge; don't forget to chop lumber, too!)
* Water the crops
* Cut the grass

Predicted Season's Expenses: About 80,000G
Predicted Season's Profits: About 100,000G

NOTE: As with last season, no specific dates are given for getting the two Maker machines or the Hothouse. Get them when money is available for them.

Summer 1

Opening Day is today. If you missed the Power Berry last year, you have another shot at getting it this year. The contest is still just as hard as it was before, though.

Summer 2

Buy 12 bags of Onion Seeds, 1 bag of Corn Seeds, and (if you didn't store any Tomatoes last year) 1 bag of Tomato Seeds. Plant 4 of the bags of Onion Seeds, as well as the Pineapple, Corn, and Tomato Seeds. Plant all 12 bags of Pink Cat Seeds on the far side of the farm. Be sure to refresh the Onion plots as harvests are made.

Summer 7

The Sumo Chicken Festival has arrived again. Enter your second-best hen (seeing as your first should've won last year), and win again this year.

Summer 11

Some time soon, Anna should show up and ask to pick flowers. Let her, and she'll give you the last Power Berry.

Summer 12

The Tomato Festival is back. Attend if you'd like, but don't feel pressured to.

Summer 20

The Cow Festival is today. Enter your original cow, and watch as it begins producing Gold Milk. Yum.

Summer 24

The Fireworks Display is today. Watch it with your best girl if you want.

Summer 30

The last day of the season, and the checkpoint. Make sure you have all of the season's goals met, then start in on Fall.

Fall, Year 2


Season's Goals:
* Unlock the Spinach crop
* Complete a large number of recipes

Daily Chores:
* Take care of the animals
* Tend to the cows and sheep
* Tend to the chickens
* Harvest and sell ripened crops
* Forage
* Water the crops
* Cut the grass

Predicted Season's Expenses: Varies
Predicted Season's Profits: Varies

Season Overview: At this point, giving an in-depth walkthrough is no longer necessary. Simply make sure that you plant enough crops to unlock the Spinach crop, with time to plant some once you do unlock it (4 plots of Eggplants, 6 plots of Carrots (which you should refresh at the appropriate time), and 2 plots of Green Peppers). This season is very much lacking in any real goals, since most everything was completed last season.

Winter, Year 2


Season's Goals:
* None whatsoever

Daily Chores:
* Take care of the animals
* Tend to the cows and sheep
* Tend to the chickens
* Forage

Predicted Season's Expenses: Varies
Predicted Season's Profits: Varies

Season Overview: A very boring and aimless season. Just keep at it, pring is just around the corner.

Spring, Year 3


Season's Goals:
* Plant some Strawberries
* Finish as many recipes as possible

Daily Chores:
* Take care of the animals
* Tend to the cows and sheep
* Tend to the chickens
* Harvest and sell ripened crops
* Forage
* Water the crops
* Cut the grass

Predicted Season's Expenses: Varies
Predicted Season's Profits: Varies

Season Overview: An almost entirely aimless Spring. By now, you should have the hang of the game, anyway. If you didn't get the Horse Race Power Berry last year, you can just brute force buy it by betting an excessive amount on a sure winner during one of the races.

Summer, Year 3


Season's Goals:
* Plant some Pumpkins
* Finish all remaining recipes

Daily Chores:
* Take care of the animals
* Tend to the cows and sheep
* Tend to the chickens
* Harvest and sell ripened crops
* Forage
* Water the crops
* Cut the grass

Predicted Season's Expenses: Varies
Predicted Season's Profits: Varies

Season Overview: Bored yet? The game loses a lot of interest right around this point. Just keep plodding on, the game's end is almost in sight.

Fall, Year 3


Season's Goals:
* None whatsoever

Daily Chores:
* Take care of the animals
* Tend to the cows and sheep
* Tend to the chickens
* Harvest and sell ripened crops
* Forage
* Water the crops
* Cut the grass

Predicted Season's Expenses: Varies
Predicted Season's Profits: Varies

Season Overview: Another boring season. Just a bit longer, just a bit longer...

Winter, Year 3


Season's Goals:
* None whatsoever

Daily Chores:
* Take care of the animals
* Tend to the cows and sheep
* Tend to the chickens
* Forage

Predicted Season's Expenses: Varies
Predicted Season's Profits: Varies

Season Overview: It's just like Winter of Year 2, except that now your recipe book is full (and your total G is much higher, too). The last stretch before the credits roll...

As the first of Spring opens up in year 4, you'll receive your final evaluation. If you did everything as this walkthrough asked, then you will most definitely get to keep the farm. After this, it's just an endless loop of doing the same stuff you did during year 3 (minus the minor goals of planting the secret crops and finishing the recipes). Congratulations on completing Harvest Moon: Back to Nature!

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